Property Lawyer

Select your dream home, Metro Properties helps with the rest. From sale Agreement to Registration with a guaranteed 5 star service at Best Price.

Legal opinion / title report always proven to be an advantageous at the time of buying a property which will eventually lead to peace of mind. Our expert lawyer performs various document checks and gives opinion on the property and authenticates ownership of the seller.

Services Offered

– Property Title Check
– Property Legal Opinion
– Sale Agreement Drafting and Execution to avoid future consequences
– Sale Deed Execution & Property Registration
– Property Valuation
– MOU’s preparation
– Rental Agreement
– Missing Documents Assistance
– Occupancy Certificate & Encumbrance Certificate Check
– Encroachment Check
– Gift Deed
– General Power of Attorney etc.

If you have any specific requirement related to real estate please reach us to connect with the expert legal advisor.


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